Render Results Window
Documentation for the Osero Suite: Render Results Screen update 1.1 (5.2+)
Last updated
Documentation for the Osero Suite: Render Results Screen update 1.1 (5.2+)
Last updated
This is where the render result will be displayed. It will show one of four messages:
Render Successful: The whole render completed successfully and there were no crashes or interruptions.
Render Interrupted: Generally appears when the render is cancelled by the user (ie, the 'x' button was pressed on the render window).
Render Failure: Generally appears when there is a write failure. Ie, the render is trying to overwrite a read-only file or the render output location does not exist for a shot/job.
Render Error: Generally appears when a render crashes or finishes unsuccessfully.
Project Name: The project that this render data belongs to.
Engine Version: The engine version that this render data was recorded in.
Render Start Time: The date/time of when the render button was pressed.
Render End Time: When the render shut down or crashed.
Total Render Time: Total time it took to render the whole queue. This includes warmup and load times.
Copy: Copy the text in this panel to the platform clipboard so that it can be pasted somewhere else.
Show Individual Shot Times: Toggle individual shot time displaying in the Job/Shot Breakdown Panel.
Job/Sequence name.
Total render time for this Job.
Job/Shot breakdown showing the status of each Shot. If Show Individual Shot Times is ticked on in the Render Details Panel, the individual Shot times will be displayed here too.
Browse to the output location of this Job in File Explorer.
Browse to the Level Sequence for this Job in the Content Browser.
Open a render graph showing the render times for all Shots in this Job. Note: This option is disabled if there are one or less shots in the Job.
When hovering a job or shot in the Job/Shot Breakdown Panel, a custom tooltip will be displayed, showing data about the Job/Shot, as well as its first rendered frame (if available).
Store Page: Opens the Fab Store Page for this tool in your web browser.
Documentation: Opens the documentation page for this tool in your web browser.
Osero Suite Symbol: Opens the Jeren Osero website in your web browser.
View Previous/Next Render: Cycle back and forth through all saved render data. The number of render data being saved can be set in Project Settings (see here).
Version Number: Shows the tool's current version number.
Close Window: Closes this results window.
View Render Graph: Opens a graph showing the render times of all jobs (see here). Note: This option is disabled if there are one or less jobs.
Open Contact Sheet: Opens a contact sheet of the current render data (see here).
Rerender All Shots: Rerender all shots in the render queue. Note: This option only appears when the window appears after a render, not when summoned from the Osero Suite Menu.
Rerender Failed Shots: Rerender all shots not marked as successful, disabling all successful shots in the current render queue. Note: This option only appears when the window appears after a render, not when summoned from the Osero Suite Menu AND only if the render was not successful.