Frequently Asked Questions

For Asset-Specific Questions, please see their individual FAQ pages:

Q. Where can I buy the Osero Suite?

A. The Osero Suite is available for purchase on Fab.

Q. Can I buy Osero Suite Tools in a bundle?

A. Unfortunately Fab does not provide the ability to sell multiple products in a bundle, so each tool is sold separately.

Q. Does the Osero Suite ever go on sale and can I get a discount outside of a sale?

A. Osero Suite products are put on sale regularly, usually in line with Fab sale events. This will sometimes include a couple of products, or all products, depending on the invitation that we receive from Epic Games.

In between sales, the Osero Suite is sold at full price and no discounts will be given out.

We are also unable to provide advance notice of upcoming sale dates due to Epic Games' seller agreement. We are not allowed to publicly discuss a sale until it has been announced on Epic Games' socials, which is usually the day the sale starts.

Follow Jeren Osero on socials to see updates about sales: YouTube | Twitter/X | Instagram | LinkedIn.

Q. Which platforms are supported for the Osero Suite?

A. The Osero Suite has been fully tested on Windows platforms.

The Osero Suite is untested on other platforms including:

  • Mobile (Android/iOS)

  • Mac OS

  • Linux

  • Gaming Consoles (XBox/PlayStation/Switch/Etc)

It's possible that the assets/plugins may work just fine on these platforms. However, we do not currently support or test our products on these platforms.

Last updated