Project Settings
Documentation for the Osero Suite: Render Results Screen update 1.1 (5.2+)
Last updated
Documentation for the Osero Suite: Render Results Screen update 1.1 (5.2+)
Last updated
Access the Render Results Screen Settings by going to Project Settings > Plugins > Osero Suite: Render Results Screen Settings.
Here you can edit many factors of how the Render Results Screen plugin works, and how it looks.
Use Osero Suite Movie Render Pipeline Classes: Automatically sets, and verifies that, the executor and job classes are set to the classes from this plugin so that they don't have to be changed manually (see here).
Default Date Time Format: Changes the display format of dates and times across the plugin. Defaults to YYMMDDHHMMSS.
DDMMYYHHMMSS: 31/12/2025 15:34:00
MMDDYYHHMMSS: 12/31/2025 15:34:00
YYMMDDHHMMSS: 2025/12/31 15:34:00
HHMMSSDDMMYY: 15:34:00 31/12/2025
HHMMSSMMDDYY: 15:34:00 12/31/2025
HHMMSSYYMMDD: 15:34:00 2025/12/31
Number Of Renders To Keep: How many past renders should be kept (see here).
Reset: Reset all of the colours back to default.
Colour Success: The colour used for successful renders.
Colour Warning: The colour used for interrupted renders.
Colour Failure: The colour used for failed renders.
Colour Error: The colour used for errored/crashed renders.
Colour Date Time: The display colour for date time strings.
Colour Total Render Time: The display colour for total time strings.
Resize PIE Window To Output Resolution: Should the PIE Window be created at the same resolution as the MRQ Output? Note: This is copied from [UMoviePipelinePIEExecutorSettings] because that class is private so we can't access it.
Valid File Extensions: File extensions to search for when looking for images for the Contact Sheet (see here).
Reset Globals: Reset all global graph variables.
Colour Graph Background: The colour used for the background of the graph.
Line Graph
Line Thickness
Reset: Reset all line thicknesses.
Line Thickness Full Horizontal: The thickness of the full horizontal lines.
Line Thickness Quarter Horizontal: The thickness of the quarter horizontal lines.
Line Thickness Vertical: The thickness of the vertical lines.
Line Thickness Axis: The thickness of the axis lines.
Line Thickness Graph Line: The thickness of the drawn graph line.
Reset: Reset all line graph colours.
Colour Full Horizontal: The colour used for the full horizontal lines.
Colour Quarter Horizontal: The colour used for the quarter horizontal lines.
Colour Vertical: The colour used for the vertical lines.
Colour Axis: The colour used for the axis lines.
Colour Graph Line: The colour used for the drawn graph line.
Colour Graph Point: The colour used for the graph points.
Colour Axis Labels Y: The colour used for the y-axis text.
Colour Axis Labels X: The colour used for the x-axis text.
Show Render Results Window: If ticked off, the Render Results Window will not appear at the end of a render. The data will still be recorded, however.
Data Export Class: The class to use at the end of a render for automation of data handling purposes (see here).