UI Outline
Documentation for the Osero Suite: Module Creator update 1.1 (5.2+)
Last updated
Documentation for the Osero Suite: Module Creator update 1.1 (5.2+)
Last updated
Store Page: Opens the Fab Store Page for this tool in your web browser.
Documentation: Opens the documentation page for this tool in your web browser.
Osero Suite Symbol: Opens the Jeren Osero website in your web browser.
New Module Name: The name of the new module to be generated.
New Module Type: The type of the new module to be generated (ie, Runtime/Editor/etc).
New Module Loading Phase: The phase in which this new module will load when the project/package loads.
Module Template: The template to use to generate the new module.
(1) Create a new Module Template.
(2) Use the Default Template for the new module (set in Project Settings).
Key Data: Key data to be replaced in the template text when creating the new module.
Create as New Plugin: If ticked, this module will be created as a new blank plugin, rather than being added to an existing project or plugin.
Create as New Plugin ticked off:
Target: Select the existing project or plugin where this new module will be added.
Create as New Plugin ticked on:
Plugin Name Override: If this is left empty, the new Plugin will use the same name as NewModuleName.
Plugin Details: All of the details to go in the new .uplugin file. These can be left as default and filled in later in Visual Studio or the in-built Plugin Manager.
Plugin Version: The version name for this plugin.
Engine Version: The target engine version for this plugin.
Plugin Descriptors
Friendly Name: The user-friendly name of this plugin (shown throughout the engine UI).
Description: The description for this plugin.
Category: The category for this plugin in the Plugin Manager.
Creator Details
Created By: This plugin's author.
Created By URL: This plugin's author's website.
Docs URL: The link to this plugin's documentation.
Marketplace URL: The link to this plugin's Marketplace URL (this is required for submitting to Fab).
Support URL: The link to support for this plugin (eg, support web page or email).
Plugin Options
Can Contain Content: Whether this plugin has a Content folder or not.
Is Beta Version: Whether this plugin is flagged as Beta.
Is Experimental Version: Whether this plugin is flagged as Experimental.
Installed: Whether this plugin is flagged as Installed.
Platform Allow List: The target platforms for this plugin.
Platform Deny List: Any platforms that this plugin is not intended to work on.
Plugin Dependencies: Any other Unreal Engine plugins that this plugin relies on.
Add to Source Control: Add the new files to Source Control (if connected).
Version Number: Shows the tool's current version number.
Create Module: When clicked, the Module Creator will create a new module for your project or plugin based on the data in the Parameters.
New code files will be generated and the uplugin or uproject file specified in Target will be edited to add the new module, or a new Plugin will be created depending on the settings.
The project files for your project will then be regenerated to add the new module into the Visual Studio solution.
Then based on your Hot Reload and Live Coding settings, the project will recompile the solution with the new module included.