Making Sure the Plugin is Active
Documentation for the Osero Suite: Render Results Screen update 1.1 (5.2+)
Last updated
Documentation for the Osero Suite: Render Results Screen update 1.1 (5.2+)
Last updated
The Render Results Screen should be active by default if the plugin is enabled.
The Osero Suite: Render Results Screen uses a custom executor to record its data when rendering. This means that if you are using your own custom executor, this plugin likely isn't compatible out of the box. It can be modified to work with other executors, but a knowledge of C++ is required for that.
To verify that the plugin is active, go to Edit > Project Settings... > Plugins > Osero Suite: Render Results Screen Settings > General and make sure Use Osero Suite Movie Render Pipleine Classes is ticked on.
When this tickbox is on, the plugin automatically sets, and verifies that, the executor and job classes are set to the classes from this plugin so that they don't have to be changed manually.