How to Use
Documentation for the Osero Suite: Render Results Screen
Last updated
Documentation for the Osero Suite: Render Results Screen
Last updated
The plugin should be active by default if the plugin is enabled. If the plugin is enabled but the results screen is not showing up, go to Edit > Project Settings... > Plugins > Osero Suite: Render Results Screen Settings > General and tick on Use Osero Suite Movie Render Pipeline Classes. This is also how you can disable it if you need to use other Movie Pipeline classes, such as render farm executors.
When adding jobs to a Render Queue, there are two new variables available:
Output Directory Override: A quick and easy modification of the output location for multiple jobs at once
Split Shots Into Folders: Allows for quick organisation by rendering each shot into its own “Shot Name” subfolder in the output directory.
When a render finishes, it will show one of four messages:
Render Successful: The whole render completed successfully and there were no crashes or interruptions.
Render Interrupted: Generally appears when the render is cancelled by the user (ie, the 'x' button was pressed on the render window).
Render Failure: Generally appears when there is a write failure. Ie, the render is trying to overwrite a read-only file or the render output location does not exist for a shot/job.
Render Error: Generally appears when a render crashes or finishes unsuccessfully.
View Render Graph: Open a line graph of all of the job render times.
Copy Text: Copy the text in the Overview Panel to the platform clipboard so that it can be pasted somewhere else (eg, to keep track of render times or to show a manager how long it takes to render).
Show Individual Shot Times: Toggle the individual shot render times on and off in the Shot Results Panel.
Open Render Location (...): Open the Output Directory of this job in File Explorer.
Browse to Sequence (Magnifying Glass): Browse to this job's Level Sequence in the Content Browser.
View Job Render Graph (Page): Opens a line graph of all of the shot render times for this job.
Rerender Failed Shots: Restart the render but disable all shots that have rendered successfully, so that the render can pick up from where it was interrupted. Note: Not available when accessing the last results through the Osero Suite Menu.
Rerender All Shots: Restart the render to render all the active shots. Note: Not available when accessing the last results through the Osero Suite Menu.
Close Window: Close this Render Results window.
Access the settings by going to Edit > Project Settings... > Plugins > Osero Suite: Render Results Screen Settings.
Use Osero Suite Movie Render Pipeline Classes: Toggles the results screen on and off by changing the Movie Render Pipeline classes to the Osero Suite classes or the default editor classes.
Default Date Time Format: Changes the display format of dates and times across the plugin. Defaults to YYMMDDHHMMSS.
DDMMYYHHMMSS: 31/12/2022 15:34:00
MMDDYYHHMMSS: 12/31/2022 15:34:00
YYMMDDHHMMSS: 2022/12/31 15:34:00
HHMMSSDDMMYY: 15:34:00 31/12/2022
HHMMSSMMDDYY: 15:34:00 12/31/2022
HHMMSSYYMMDD: 15:34:00 2022/12/31
Reset Accessibility Colours: Reset all of the colours back to default.
Colour Success: The colour used for successful renders.
Colour Warning: The colour used for interrupted renders.
Colour Failure: The colour used for failed renders.
Colour Error: The colour used for errored/crashed renders.
Render Start Time Colour: The display colour for start time strings.
Render Total Time Colour: The display colour for total time strings.
PIE Render Settings (5.2+ Only)
Resize PIE Window to Output Resolution: Should the PIE Window be created at the same resolution as the MRQ Output? Note: This is copied from [UMoviePipelinePIEExecutorSettings] because that class is private so we can't access it.
The last render results can be brought up again by going to the Osero Suite Menu and selecting Osero Suite: MRQ Last Render Results.
Note: The Osero Suite Menu can be found in the Level Editor Toolbar (pictured above), or in the Window menu.